Extracurricular activities are based upon Christian character, good sportsmanship, good behavior, responsibility, and academic eligibility. A student shall have no “F’s” or “D’s” and maintain a 2.5 G.P.A. or higher to participate. Any student failing to achieve or maintain the above academic standards shall be ineligible until the next official grading check. Students who fail to meet the above academic standards can practice at sporting events but cannot play in competitive events. They can attend meetings but cannot participate in voting or decisions.
The Administrator, Coach, Advisor, or Leader reserves the right to select team or group members’ positions, meeting times, and locations, plus eligibility to participate based upon Christian character and conduct. All extracurricular activities are open only to currently-enrolled students and approved home-schooled students.
Special academic standards may apply to students with special needs.
We rotate most extracurricular activities every quarter. All clubs and activities are first come first serve. If the student does not make it into their first choice of activities, they will be moved to their 2nd or 3rd choice. If none of the student’s desired activities are available, they will be put on a waiting list for the activity of their choice. Waiting lists renew every quarter. Elementary after-school clubs are for grades 3rd-5th.
The “Intramurals” permission form must be signed by a parent/guardian and turned in to the school office in order for a child to participate in an extracurricular activity. A permission form must be signed and turned in per each quarter and each new activity the child participates in.
You can view and print this quarter’s extracurricular activity schedule/permission slip by clicking the link below.
We are a vibrant community who exist for the purpose of assisting families in their God-given call to educate their children. We partner with a variety of families including those who are looking for a strong Christian foundation as well as those who are passionate about finding a safe environment with high expectations and quality academics. Located on the campus of the Verde Community Church we are blessed to have bright spacious classrooms, a full-size gymnasium, and a large playground complete with a plethora of equipment More Info >>
Daily Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm